
AI-Driven Portfolio Intelligence for Modern Investors

Transform your investment approach with AI-powered tools that combine risk parity optimization and quantitative factor analysis—professional-grade portfolio construction made accessible.

Quantitative Factor Portfolio Toolbox

Professional suite for systematic factor portfolio construction, factor tilting, and sector analysis -- featuring Al-powered diagnostics and advanced stock screening

Portfolio Builder

Construct factor-tilted portfolios with sophisticated weighting schemes

Portfolio Diagnosis

Deep factor exposure analysis and portfolio decomposition

Multi-factor Screener

Advanced screening with composite ranking and factor layering

$19 first month

then $49 billed monthly
Subscribe to Portfolio Toolbox

*US stock market data only

Desktop-Optimized Application For optimal performance, please use a desktop or laptop computer.

What Portfolio Toolbox Offers

Helping Investors Build Smarter Stock Portfolios with Easy-to-Use Factor Investing Tools

Portfolio Builder

Construction from scratch

Build and analyze your customizable factor tilting portfolio from multiple stock universes and sectors.

Provide insights on factor loading of Quality, Value, Momentum, Growth & Low Volatility, sector exposure and portfolio return/risk statistics.

Portfolio Diagnosis

Existing portfolio analysis

Upload holdings or manually input stock list with choices of popular weighting scheme.

Insights on factor loading analysis, sector exposure, and detailed sub-factor level statistics.

Multi-factor Screener

Idea exploration

Stock pool selection based on 5 major factors, 60+ sub factors or a combination.

Stock ranking by factor scores, monthly return, annual volatility, market cap, sector and price.

Individual stock factor loading and interactive historical return chart.


1. What is Portfolio Toolbox?
2. Who is this product designed for?
3. What can I do with the Portfolio Builder?
4. What is the Portfolio Diagnosis feature?
5. Can I analyze ETFs and mutual funds with this tool?
6. What do I get with the portfolio building feature in InvestGPT Pro?
7. Do I need to understand factor investing to use the Portfolio Toolbox?
8. What is Risk Parity used for in portfolio construction?

For people interested in learning more about Risk Parity:

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