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Investment Analysis Report: GPK


In this investment analysis report, we will delve into the financial statements of GPK, a company operating in the Containers/Packaging industry. We will analyze the Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and Cashflow Statements to gain insights into the company's financial health, earnings and revenue growth, profitability, operating margin, operating cash flow, capital expenditure trends, and efficiency. By examining key trends across time, we aim to provide a comprehensive evaluation of GPK as an investment opportunity.

Balance Sheets Analysis

Key Observations:

  1. Total Assets: GPK's total assets have shown a consistent increase over the past three years, indicating potential growth and expansion in the company's operations.

  2. Long-Term Debt: The company's long-term debt has also been on the rise, which could be a concern if not managed effectively.

  3. Shareholders' Equity: Shareholders' equity has remained relatively stable, suggesting a balanced financial structure.


  • The increase in total assets reflects positive growth prospects for GPK, but the rising long-term debt warrants careful monitoring to ensure sustainable financial health.
  • The stability in shareholders' equity indicates a healthy balance between debt and equity financing.

Income Statements Analysis

Key Observations:

  1. Net Income: GPK's net income has shown a steady increase over the past three years, indicating improving profitability.

  2. Operating Margin: The company's operating margin has also been on an upward trend, reflecting efficient cost management.

  3. Earnings Per Share (EPS): EPS has shown growth, indicating potential value creation for shareholders.


  • The consistent growth in net income and operating margin demonstrates GPK's ability to generate profits efficiently.
  • The increasing EPS reflects positive earnings growth and value creation for investors.

Cashflow Statements Analysis

Key Observations:

  1. Free Cash Flow: GPK's free cash flow has fluctuated over the past three years, with a significant negative value in 2021.

  2. Operating Cash Flow: Operating cash flow has shown variability, indicating potential challenges in managing working capital.

  3. Capital Expenditures: The company's capital expenditures have been significant, impacting free cash flow.


  • The fluctuating free cash flow raises concerns about the company's ability to generate sufficient cash for operations and investments.
  • The variability in operating cash flow suggests the need for improved working capital management to ensure financial stability.
  • The significant capital expenditures may be necessary for growth but should be monitored to ensure efficiency and returns on investment.

Investment Analysis and Recommendations

Based on the analysis of GPK's financial statements, the following insights and recommendations can be made:


  • Market Cap: GPK's market cap of $7.61 billion reflects the company's size and potential in the Containers/Packaging industry.

Financial Health:

  • Total Assets Growth: The consistent increase in total assets indicates potential growth opportunities for GPK.
  • Long-Term Debt: The rising long-term debt should be closely monitored to avoid financial strain in the future.
  • Shareholders' Equity Stability: The stable shareholders' equity suggests a balanced financial structure.

Earnings and Revenue Growth:

  • Net Income Growth: The steady increase in net income demonstrates improving profitability for GPK.
  • EPS Growth: The rising EPS indicates value creation for shareholders through earnings growth.


  • Operating Margin: The upward trend in operating margin reflects efficient cost management and profitability for GPK.

Operating Margin and Operating Cash Flow Analysis:

  • Operating Cash Flow Variability: The fluctuating operating cash flow highlights the need for improved working capital management.
  • Capital Expenditures Efficiency: The significant capital expenditures should be monitored for efficiency and returns on investment.


  1. Monitor Long-Term Debt: Keep a close eye on the rising long-term debt to ensure it remains manageable and does not strain the company's financial health.

  2. Improve Working Capital Management: Focus on optimizing working capital to stabilize operating cash flow and ensure financial stability.

  3. Evaluate Capital Expenditures: Review the efficiency and returns on investment of capital expenditures to maximize value creation for shareholders.

Investment Analysis Viewpoint: [Neutral]

Overall, GPK shows potential for growth and profitability, but certain financial metrics such as long-term debt and operating cash flow variability warrant caution. Further analysis and monitoring are recommended to assess the company's financial health and investment potential accurately.