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Symbol Price ($) Change ($) %Change Volume (M) Total Assets (M) Category
PFF iShares Preferred & Income Securities ... 33.25 0.21 +0.64% 2.79 15,426.34 Alternatives
FPE First Trust Preferred Securities & ... 18.13 0.03 +0.17% 0.68 5,720.11 Alternatives
PGX Invesco Preferred ETF 12.39 0.09 +0.73% 2.95 4,496.33 Alternatives
PFFD Global X U.S. Preferred ETF 20.77 0.11 +0.53% 0.44 2,534.62 Alternatives
PFXF VanEck Preferred Securities ex Financials ... 18.26 0.13 +0.72% 0.45 1,970.25 Alternatives
FTLS First Trust Long/Short Equity ETF 64.28 0.64 +1.01% 0.12 1,552.36 Alternatives
PFFA Virtus InfraCap U.S. Preferred Stock ... 22.96 0.18 +0.79% 1.26 1,348.9 Alternatives
PREF Principal Spectrum Preferred Secs Active ... 18.74 0.03 +0.16% 0.09 991.35 Alternatives
DBMF iMGP DBi Managed Futures Strategy ... 27.62 0.14 +0.51% 0.33 980.51 Alternatives
PGF Invesco Financial Preferred ETF 15.7 0.12 +0.74% 0.11 960.36 Alternatives
PSK SPDR ICE Preferred Securities ETF 35.45 0.13 +0.37% 0.13 953.61 Alternatives
QAI NYLI Hedge Multi-Strategy Tracker ETF 32.22 0.15 +0.47% 0.31 633.12 Alternatives
RLY SPDR SSgA Multi-Asset Real Return ... 29.06 0.13 +0.46% 0.03 512.62 Alternatives
BTAL AGF U.S. Market Neutral Anti-Beta ... 19.5 -0.16 -0.81% 0.39 398.77 Alternatives
KMLM KFA Mount Lucas Index Strategy ... 27.83 0.15 +0.54% 0.07 354.78 Alternatives
CTA Simplify Managed Futures Strategy ETF 26.55 0.24 +0.91% 0.11 297.36 Alternatives
PFFV Global X Variable Rate Preferred ... 23.99 0.11 +0.46% 0.04 258.34 Alternatives
FMF First Trust Managed Futures Strategy ... 47.07 0.24 +0.5% 0.01 240.17 Alternatives
MNA NYLI Merger Arbitrage ETF 32.89 0.01 +0.03% 0.01 231.87 Alternatives
RSST Return Stacked U.S. Stocks & ... 23.68 0.35 +1.5% 0.05 228.51 Alternatives
FLSP Franklin Systematic Style Premia ETF 23.98 0.09 +0.38% 0.01 205.03 Alternatives
WTMF WisdomTree Managed Futures Strategy Fund 35.35 0.21 +0.6% 0.04 203.26 Alternatives
CLSE Convergence Long/Short Equity ETF 22.74 0.06 +0.26% 0.13 176.17 Alternatives
SPFF Global X SuperIncome Preferred ETF 9.77 0.04 +0.38% 0.02 154.62 Alternatives
EQLS Simplify Market Neutral Equity Long/Short ... 21.95 0.06 +0.29% 0.0 143.76 Alternatives
PFIX Simplify Interest Rate Hedge ETF 45.64 0.29 +0.64% 0.05 127.79 Alternatives
PFFR InfraCap REIT Preferred ETF 19.9 0.13 +0.66% 0.04 113.43 Alternatives
EPRF Innovator S&P Investment Grade Preferred ... 19.71 0.09 +0.46% 0.0 109.39 Alternatives
QIS Simplify Multi-QIS Alternative ETF 24.08 -0.01 -0.04% 0.0 107.74 Alternatives
PRMN PlanRock Market Neutral Income ETF 29.07 0.06 +0.2% 0.0 105.36 Alternatives
RSBT Return Stacked Bonds & Managed ... 17.19 0.13 +0.76% 0.01 97.12 Alternatives
QPFF American Century Quality Preferred ETF 38.03 0.2 +0.52% 0.01 85.57 Alternatives
UPAR UPAR Ultra Risk Parity ETF 14.47 0.04 +0.3% 0.0 82.83 Alternatives
FIAX Nicholas Fixed Income Alternative ETF 19.69 0.03 +0.14% 0.01 80.72 Alternatives
HTUS Capitol Series Trust - Hull ... 44.25 0.12 +0.27% 0.0 78.98 Alternatives
ARB AltShares Merger Arbitrage ETF 27.83 0.01 +0.04% 0.01 72.75 Alternatives
VAMO Cambria Value & Momentum ETF 29.83 0.39 +1.34% 0.0 52.21 Alternatives
EHLS Even Herd Long Short ETF 21.31 0.29 +1.39% 0.0 51.14 Alternatives
LBAY Leatherback Long/Short Alternative Yield ETF 27.63 0.17 +0.6% 0.0 42.13 Alternatives
TPMN Timothy Plan Market Neutral ETF 23.76 -0.06 -0.26% 0.0 40.4 Alternatives
CBLS Clough Hedged Equity ETF 25.27 0.02 +0.09% 0.0 35.12 Alternatives
HFND Unlimited HFND Multi-Strategy Return Tracker ... 22.4 -0.06 -0.27% 0.0 34.72 Alternatives
FFLS Future Fund Long/Short ETF 23.44 0.05 +0.24% 0.01 34.7 Alternatives
BSR Beacon Selective Risk ETF 29.6 0.24 +0.82% 0.0 31.08 Alternatives
MARB First Trust Merger Arbitrage ETF 19.85 -0.07 -0.35% 0.01 28.78 Alternatives
ARP PMV Adaptive Risk Parity ETF 28.81 0.16 +0.55% 0.0 28.24 Alternatives
HDG ProShares Hedge Replication ETF 49.92 0.23 +0.45% 0.0 28.2 Alternatives
FORH Formidable ETF 23.56 0.29 +1.26% 0.0 24.14 Alternatives
LSEQ Harbor Long-Short Equity ETF 27.41 0.23 +0.83% 0.0 21.93 Alternatives
RINF ProShares Inflation Expectations ETF 33.01 -0.02 -0.06% 0.0 21.79 Alternatives
HF DGA Core Plus Absolute Return ... 23.41 0.12 +0.5% 0.0 19.12 Alternatives
ZIVB -1x Short VIX Mid-Term Futures ... 19.51 0.12 +0.62% 0.02 14.44 Alternatives
IPPP Preferred-Plus ETF 10.45 0.08 +0.74% 0.0 12.25 Alternatives
MSVX LHA Market State Alpha Seeker ... 22.02 -0.03 -0.16% 0.0 11.01 Alternatives
PFFL ETRACS 2xMonthly Pay Leveraged Preferred ... 10.56 0.12 +1.11% 0.0 10.55 Alternatives
MRGR ProShares Merger ETF 42.06 0.01 +0.03% 0.0 10.52 Alternatives
CLIX ProShares Long Online/Short Stores ETF 48.22 0.56 +1.18% 0.0 9.4 Alternatives
ASMF Virtus Alphasimplex Managed Futures ETF 24.23 0.13 +0.53% 0.01 9.09 Alternatives
EVNT AltShares Event-Driven ETF 10.63 0.02 +0.22% 0.0 4.88 Alternatives
USE USCF Energy Commodity Strategy Absolute ... 40.39 -0.31 -0.77% 0.0 4.04 Alternatives
RYSE Vest 10 Year Interest Rate ... 22.76 -0.04 -0.18% 0.0 2.28 Alternatives
RATE Global X Interest Rate Hedge ... 18.68 -0.02 -0.1% 0.0 1.87 Alternatives
HYKE Vest 2 Year Interest Rate ... 25.27 -0.08 -0.31% 0.0 1.26 Alternatives
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