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Symbol Price ($) Change ($) %Change Volume (M) Market Cap (M) Sector Industry
UBER Uber Technologies, Inc. 86.34 8.42 +10.81% 57.29 181,395.16 Transportation Other Transportation
GRAB Grab Holdings Limited Class ... 3.65 0.02 +0.55% 25.08 14,457.65 Transportation Other Transportation
PFGC Performance Food Group Co 81.24 1.32 +1.65% 0.63 12,660.04 Transportation Other Transportation
SARO StandardAero, Inc. 30.75 -0.85 -2.69% 1.54 10,284.7 Transportation Other Transportation
PAC Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico ... 173.07 -3.32 -1.88% 0.14 8,744.84 Transportation Other Transportation
ASR Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste ... 282.16 3.73 +1.34% 0.05 8,464.8 Transportation Other Transportation
VNT Vontier Corp 34.51 0.63 +1.86% 0.83 5,304.19 Transportation Other Transportation
VRRM Verra Mobility Corp. Class ... 27.54 0.78 +2.91% 0.84 4,534.71 Transportation Other Transportation
OMAB Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro ... 68.46 -0.57 -0.83% 0.04 3,304.64 Transportation Other Transportation
CAAP Corporacion America Airports S.A. 18.88 0.04 +0.21% 0.16 3,039.14 Transportation Other Transportation
VTOL Bristow Group Inc 35.15 0.79 +2.3% 0.06 1,005.92 Transportation Other Transportation
SMHI SEACOR Marine Holdings Inc 9.52 0.23 +2.48% 0.17 263.1 Transportation Other Transportation
MODV ModivCare Inc. 16.67 0.75 +4.71% 0.34 237.38 Transportation Other Transportation
BTOC Armlogi Holding Corp 4.4 -0.17 -3.72% 0.56 183.19 Transportation Other Transportation
CCEL Cryo-Cell International, Inc. 6.26 -0.22 -3.4% 0.0 50.47 Transportation Other Transportation
SWVL SWVL Holdings Corp Class ... 3.18 0.11 +3.45% 0.01 29.09 Transportation Other Transportation
RVSN Rail Vision Ltd. 0.47 -0.01 -2.77% 0.21 7.7 Transportation Other Transportation
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